Ezrobot EZ-B V4 Robot Developer Kit (UK Warehouse)
1196 g
Want to build your own Wall-E or Omnibot? Are you ready to experience the worlds most powerful robot and IoT kit? Then its time to focus on your creativity and achieve your goal of building your very own individual robot with this state of the art robot kit.
The ezrobot developer kit contains vital components needed to build a robot from scratch. This kit offers hundreds of features for your robot project including speech recognition, vision tracking, glyph recognition, joystick/Wii remote, HTTP server, mobile device support, custom scripting, object avoidance, GPS/compass tracking and more.
Ezrobot have made it easy to construct a robot with the innovative ez-bv4 unit being both the brain and nervous system or your ezrobot! Powering over 10,000 robots worldwide, the ez-bv4 is the world's most powerful and compact robot brain and the heart of this kit which is suitable for all skill levels – from beginner to advanced.
EZrobot provides hundreds of tutorials and software applications for use with your completed robot making it the perfect learning tool at home or in the classroom. You or your students can personalizing your ezrobot with new behaviors like how robots walk, see, hear and interact with their surroundings to solve problems using a combination of science, technology, engineering and mathematics.
Ez-builder, the world's easiest, most powerful, and most scalable robotics software takes a productive and unique approach to programming your robot. You can simply add behaviors such as camera tracking, speech recognition, Wii controllers, GPS, GAIT positioning, and hundreds more with this easy to use software.
Your robot can also stream live video and you can view the video on your mobile device or PC over the WiFi connection of the EZ-B v4. The camera features advanced vision learning, detection and tracking abilities so your ezrobot can interact with objects, colors, faces, motion, glyphs, and QR codes! and with the built in speaker you can also make it play music or give your robot a voice!
You can use an Android or iOS mobile device with apps from the ez-cloud app store to control your robot or IoT project and if you have an idea for a robot app you can create the app and share with it the world.
This is an amazing kit and is the perfect learning tool for robot design and programming.
• Compact size (5cm x 5cm x 3cm)
• 200MHz 32-bit total processing (120 MHz 32-bit ARM Cortex-M3 processor & 80 MHz microchip PIC32)
• Wi-Fi connectivity (ad-hoc/infrastructure/WEP/WPA/WPA2)
• Embedded web server
• Energy efficient digital switching power supply
• Resetable fuse protection
• Reverse polarity protection
• Amplified speaker for speech and music
• 8 x 5 volt tolerant analog (ADC) ports
• 24 x 5 volt tolerant digital ports (servos, PWM, and more)
• Supports up to 73 servos (combining PWM and Dynamixel)
• Dynamixel servo support
• 3 x I²C ports
• 1 x ezrobot video camera port
• 3 x high speed UART ports
• Battery and temperature monitor
1 x EZ-B v4 Wi-Fi Robot Controller
ez-builder robot control software & SDK
1 x EZ-B v4 Camera (without ABS plastic shell)
1 x HC-SR04 Ultrasonic Distance Sensor
4 x Heavy Duty Servo
2 x Continuous Rotation Servo
2 x Extension Cable
1 x 6xAA Battery Holder
1 x Power Shell
2 x 69mm diameter by 7.62mm wide wheels
Servo attachments