Arduino Foundation and Project Component Kit (UK Warehouse)
293 g
This kit makes for a great introduction to electronics and robotics when used alongside the Arduino tutorials and contains all of the parts needed to build many different projects.
It's also a good source of basic components for more advanced users.
Weight: 245 g
Resistors 100R x 10
Resistors 100k x 10
Resistors 220R x 10
Resistors 470R x 10
Resistors 1k x 10
Resistors 2.2k x 10
Resistors 4.7k x 10
Resistors 10k x 10
Resistors 22k x 10
Resistors 330k x 10
Resistors 1mOhm x 10
10UF Capacitors x 10
1UF Capacitors x 10
100UF Capacitors x 10
100NF Capacitors x 10
10NF Capacitors x 10
22PF Capacitors x 10
Red LEDs x 10
Yellow LEDs x 10
Blue LEDs x 10
Variable resistor
BC547 Triodes x 2
BC557 Triodes x 2
2N3904 Triodes x 2
2N3906 Triodes x 2
1N4007 diodes x 2
4N35 IC x 2
74HC595 IC
ULN2803 IC
Buttons x 5
Photo resistor
TIP122 Triode
LD1117 IC
Alligator clip wire
830-hole breadboard
Breadboard jumper wires
Price History
Combo items
The following items can be purchased with a combo-price, if you put them in the cart with Arduino Foundation and Project Component Kit (UK Warehouse). Attention: these products may have more beneficial buddy-price or promo-price.SKU: 661000065-0 | Arduino Intermediate Kit with IR Remote Control and Sound (UK Warehouse) 810 g |