Extra Length Cardboard Box and Packing 379g

379 g
If this item has appeared in your shipping cart it is because you have ordered a product which requires a longer or larger box for protection in shipping.
This item should only appear in your shopping cart once and you can purchase several items of the same type and only get a once off weight increase of 379g for all items which require this style of box.
Why do I need to purchase this item with my product?
Some items such as propellers are long, light and thin. They require a longer cardboard box and cannot be shipped in standard size boxes. Also, some items need to be boxed in a larger box when shipped with other items. products such as covering film, carbon fiber rods or long propellers do not pack easily with smaller boxes and we must therefore use a longer/larger box.
If a customer buys 1 propeller, the true weight of the propeller may only be 50grams, though the box required to protect it weighs 379g.
Adding this box to your cart means you can buy as many propellers as you like and only pay for 1 box. However if you only order 1 propeller, you will still need to add the weight of the box to your cart.
In most cases this system is the most economical.
At all times we try to keep our shipping costs as low as possible.
To remove this item from your cart, first remove the product that requires the box.