Funduino Nano Module Learning Kit (RU Warehouse)
674 g
Funduino Nano Module Learning Kit
Looking for something challenging to do in your spare time then Funduino may be the answer. This experimental kit is great for getting started in the electronics hobby and maybe even a career. Learn to program by using the various kit components to create a huge range of fun and educational projects.
These kits come with a solderless breadboard and Funduino NANO development board and assorted peripherals to get you started.
1 x Breadboard 830-hole
1 x FUNDUINO NANO shield
1 x Funduino Nano 3.0 development board
1 x LCD 1602
1 x Header strip 1*40
1 x USB cable
1 x LED display 1-digit 7-segment
1 x LED display 4-digit 7-segment
1 x LED matrix
1 x Passive buzzer component
1 x Active buzzer component
4 x Button component
1 x Remote controller (Black)
1 x SMD RGB LED (Red)
1 x Relay 2-channel
1 x AA battery case 6-cell
1 x IC 74HC595
1 x F-F 20CM Dupont wire
1 x Breadboard wires (qty 30)
5 x LED Red
5 x LED Yellow
5 x LED Blue
5 x Resistor 220R
5 x Resistor 1K
8 x Resistor 10K
1 x IR receiver component
1 x Flame sensor component
1 x LM35 temperature sensor
2 x Ball switch component
3 x Photo-varistor component
1 x Potentiometer
1 x Component box